Mission Sisterhood (AAUW)
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Date: Sun Dec 08, 10:00 AM EDT - Sun Dec 08, 3:00 PM EDT
  • Life Skills
  • Ambassadors,
  • Seniors

Join Girl Scouts of the Jersey Shore and the American Association of University Women for the Mission Sisterhood Journey in a Day. Throughout the day the program provides hands-on activities, meaningful discussions, and meeting professional women in the community. Girls will connect with their peers and explore the powerful benefits of strong, healthy relationships. At the end of this program, girls will have gained the tools to build and maintain healthy relationships, made new friends, and have inspired passion for issues girls and women face in the world. The American Association of University Women (AAUW) is a non-profit organization that advances equity for women and girls through advocacy, education, and research.  Girls must bring their own lunch and water bottle, please notify of allergies. Snacks and badge set are included along with goody bag. Girls should wear Girl Scout uniform with vest or sash. *Pre-requisite for the Gold Award*


Facilitator: Devin Carrick