My Promise, My Faith
What is faith in Girl Scouting?

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Ways to Include Faith in Girl Scouting

The My Promise, My Faith pin invites Girl Scouts to experience a faith journey by exploring the connections between the Girl Scout Law and teachings from their faith. This pin can be earned each year. Requirements for this pin are included in The Girl’s Guide to Girl Scouting for all levels.

To learn more about earning your My Promise, My Faith pin, check out these resources:

My Promise, My Faith Fact Sheet (PDF)
Make the Connection (for younger girls) English | Español
Make the Connection (for older girls) English | Español

Created by national religious organizations to encourage the spiritual growth of youth members, religious recognition programs reinforce many of the values integral to Girl Scouting and help girls grow stronger in and learn more about their chosen faith.

Each religious organization develops and administers its own program, which can be found here

You can find this brochure, a video explaining religious recognition programs, and other resources for collaborating with faith communities at P.R.A.Y. Publishing.

Each March, during the week of Girl Scouts’ birthday, faith partners join us to help girls celebrate the connections between their faith and Girl Scouts. Celebration days include Girl Scout Sunday, Girl Scout Jummah, Girl Scout Sabbath and Girl Scout Shabbat. Find resources to plan your event here .

Girl Scouts and our faith partners hosted a virtual interfaith celebration that’s now available for playback.

Use these recorded sessions while earning the My Promise, My Faith pin and learn about other faiths!

Session 1: Click here to view the playback!
Interfaith celebration
Orthodox Christian speakers

Session 2: Click here to view the playback!
Buddhist speakers
Catholic speakers
Lutheran speakers

Session 3: Click here to view the playback!
Baha’i speakers
Islamic speakers
Jewish speakers
United Methodist speakers

No experience is required to be a champion for girls! Caring adult volunteers can help support Girl Scouts on their leadership journey and help them strengthen their understanding of their faith. Contact us here for information on how to volunteer.