Girl Scouts of the Jersey Shore supports every girl as she grows in her faith and develops the courage, confidence, and character needed to make the world a better place. Imagine what an entire generation of girls can do when given the skills, leadership experience, and a solid grounding in the principles of their own faith.
See how members can connect their faith through their Girl Scouting activities.
The research is clear – a girl’s skills and abilities bloom when she is around other girls, away from school pressures and social cliques. Through Girl Scouts, she takes on new challenges and learns by doing in an atmosphere of collaboration and goodwill. The Girl Scout Leadership Experience can be especially meaningful when delivered in a faith-centered context.
Girl Scouts is inclusive to all faiths. Our council welcomes Girl Scouts, Parents, Volunteers, and Troop Leaders to learn more about faith-based programming.
Fill out the form below to begin your Girl Scout Journey today!