How You Can Help
To become a member, simply notify the council of your donation. We understand your will is a confidential document. The council does not need to know the amount of your bequest or other planned gift. A planned gift to the Girl Scouts of the Jersey Shore can offer you many advantages, which may include estate or income tax benefits; variable or fixed income for your life or the life of someone you care about; capital gains savings, and the satisfaction of leaving behind a legacy that will ultimately benefit thousands of girls in Monmouth and Ocean counties.
Check with your attorney on the exact wording of your bequest or gift. Your attorney and/or financial advisor should be contacted for professional advice. The following information should be shared with your attorney, bank trust officer or other financial advisor. In official documents, please use: Girl Scouts of the Jersey Shore, Inc. We are a non-profit corporation of the State of New Jersey, having its principal office at 242 Adelphia Road, Farmingdale, NJ 07727.
For assistance and more information about joining the Juliette Gordon Low Society, please contact us at (732) 349-4499.
Interested in Planned Giving but not sure where to begin? Check out these resources from Girl Scouts of the USA.