Booth Sale Alternatives
Virtual Booths: Virtual booths—hosted on social media—gives
girls a way to achieve their sales goals without leaving home. In
fact, girls may find this allows them to discover new ways to take the
lead in their cookie business and stay connected through virtual means.
Cookie Drive-Thrus: Troops work with local business to secure a
safe location. This gives customers a convenient way to get their
cookies by offering a “drive-thru” service. Troops can share
locations with their community. Drive thrus require the council’s
booth approval.
Lemonade Stands: What is a Lemonade Stand? Lemonade Stands work
like booth sales but are held on personal property. Families must work
with their troop cookie manager to get inventory and should turn in
money to their troop right away, following regular troop procedures
for money collection. These do not require approval from GSJS.
Community Walkabouts and Wagon Sales (mobile cookie booths):
Grab that cart or wagon and cart cookies around the neighborhood. Get
the word out by leaving flyers or door hangers informing everyone how
and when girls are planning on selling.
No-Contact Deliveries: Communicate with customers to determine
where they would like their cookies dropped off. Consider scheduling
trunk pick-ups at a central location and scheduling customer pick-up
times to minimize the number of people there at once.