Learn about the 2027 Trip to Europe that will visit the countries of Germany, Itay and France and also see the Girl Scout World Center in the mountains of Switzerland.
REGISTER NOWFrom our own backyard to across the ocean, some of the most memorable moments in a Girl Scout’s life can happen while they are traveling! Council trips offer a wealth of opportunities for girls to develop skills in leadership and confidence.
There are four different types of council travel opportunities, which you can find below. It is recommended girls do them in order, as a progression of travel experiences helps build travel skills.
Travel Progression is as follows:
1. Overnight Trips: A trip of one—or possibly two—nights away. These short trips are just long enough to get girls excited about travel, but not long enough to generate homesickness.
2. Regional Trips: Juniors and older at time of travel. (Juniors must travel with a troop leader or adult.) Three- or four-nights within the girls’ home region taking girls up to a few hours away from home.
3. National Trips: Juniors and older at time of travel. (Juniors must travel with a troop leader or adult.) Travel anywhere in the country and can last up to a week or more.
4. International Trips: Cadettes and older at time of travel. (Cadettes must travel with a troop leader or adult.) Travel around the world can require one to three years of preparation. International trips are available to Cadettes, Seniors, and Ambassadors, but only to those who have successfully participated in a progression of overnight and extended trips within Girl Scouting.
Cadettes, Seniors, and Ambassadors are invited to register. Junior Girl Scouts may attend with an accompanying adult registration; must be a leader, parent, or guardian.
Cadettes, Seniors, and Ambassadors are invited to register. Junior Girl Scouts may attend with an accompanying adult registration; must be a leader, parent, or guardian.
Cadettes, Seniors, and Ambassadors are invited to register. Cadette Girl Scouts may attend with an accompanying adult registration; must be a leader, parent, or guardian.
Please note International Trips should NOT be a Girl Scout's first travel experience.
Applications will be accepted May 1, 2025 to May 15, 2025. Girls traveling on trips in 2025 or beyond can apply for scholarships each year as long as they are registered for the trip!
Offering 3 amazing camp opportunities for Girl Scouts in 2024 and 2025!