WE NEED YOUR HELP! Last year, GSJS distributed 4,332 cans of nuts and candy to our communities’ food pantries and local veterans. Today that number stands at 2,803 cans and we need your help to do even better! Purchase delicious nuts or candy to donate to a local food pantry or veterans organization. Donations are only available in the Nuts and Chocolates store. Click on the Nuts and Chocolates storefront and then click the care to share donation option (you will see a pink square.)
Help local organizations by donating reading materials to those they serve. Click on the Magazines storefront and then make sure to list the shipping address as one of the following here.
See below to find your town and click on a Girl Scout's storefront link to start donating or purchase for yourself and ship to your home!
The Fall Product Program is a council-sponsored program that combines educational activities for the girls along with money earning opportunities for troops. The program is directed toward family and friends, those closest to Girl Scouting, who can purchase nuts, candy, magazines and more. Individually registered girls (Juliettes) can also participate.
The Fall Product Program helps girls develop 5 core life skills: money management, people skills, goal setting, decision making and good business ethics. Girls also learn skills in financial literacy, entrepreneurship, and ecommerce.
It's easy to participate! Girls chose how they want to participate: in-person with the nut order card; online using the M2 digital platform or a combination of both.
Troops earn proceeds on every sale to help fund troop activities and experiences and girls earn exciting rewards! It is important to note that troops must participate in both of the GSJS Fall Product and Cookie Programs to apply for additional money earning activities.
Girls must renew their Girl Scout membership for the 2024-2025 year in order to participate. Renew here: gsFun.org/renew
Questions? Contact us at productsales@gsfun.org