(Point Pleasant, NJ – October 9) Point Pleasant Girl Scouts held a town-wide Bridging Ceremony on Sunday, October 9, 2022. Forty-one Girl Scouts bridged from Brownies to Juniors at a ceremony attended by friends, family, troop leaders, GSJS CEO Heather Coburn, Borough of Point Pleasant Mayor Robert A. Sabosik and Police Chief Adam Picca. Girls were cheered on as they crossed the Loveland Town Bridge two by two, led by a bagpiper and police escort.
The troops were directed by Girl Scout leader and Point Pleasant Community Organizer Sheree Fittin, who organized this great event. “The girls had an awesome day. When they were greeted by the bagpiper, they were so surprised and thought it was so special. They were so excited to walk over the bridge with the police escort and loved having their family members and friends supporting them and cheering them on from the other side of the bridge. So grateful for Mayor Sabosik and the Point Pleasant Police Department for all their support,” said Sheree Fittin.
The ceremony concluded at Community Park where Mayor Sabosik and GSJS CEO Heather Coburn said a few words and congratulated the girls on a job well done. Cake was served and the girls got to wear their new classic turquoise Junior uniforms complete with beret and sash.
“Girl Scouts of the Jersey Shore is always accepting new troops,” said Gayle Dettlinger, Volunteer and Troop Support Director at GSJS. Interested girls and adults should reach out to info@gsFun.org or visit gsFun.org/join.