It all starts here. Juniors team up with fellow Girl Scouts to explore their community, discover a need or issue they care about, and work together to address it. It’s a chance to create a plan and make an impact on the community they live in.
172 incredible Junior Girl Scouts made a significant impact on their communities.
Are in fourth or fifth grade
Are a registered Girl Scout Junior
Have completed a Junior Journey
Build your Girl Scout Junior team
Explore your community
Decide on a project to work on
Make a plan of action
Put your plan in motion
Spread the word
Award Deadline: Submit your final report no later than September 30th of a girl's sixth grade year.
Hour Requirement for the Award: Each girl must log 20 hours to earn the award. This includes research, planning, taking action, and completing the final report.
Training: Troop leaders, parents, and adult volunteers take Bronze Award training to learn how to guide girls through a successful Bronze Award project. Register for an in-person Bronze Award Workshop to get started, if you have questions or need assistance.
Prerequisites: Girls are ready for their Bronze Award when:
Get Help: We’re happy to help! Contact us with questions or to discuss a Bronze Award Project idea before girls get going.