Ready to help your community and earn one of the highest awards in Girl Scouting? Cadettes can team up with a small group of fellow Girl Scouts or work on their own. To earn the Silver Award, you will research an issue you care about, make a plan to address it, and then take action to improve your community.
45 incredible young women devoted over 2,200 hours of service making a significant impact on their communities.
Are in sixth, seventh, or eighth grade
Are a registered Girl Scout Cadette
Have completed a Cadette Journey
Let our council know you want to earn it.
Find an issue you care about.
Build your Girl Scout Silver Award team or decide to go solo.
Explore your community and think of how that issue affects your community.
Choose a Silver Award project that can lead to lasting change.
Develop your project.
Make a plan and put it into motion.
Reflect, share your story, and celebrate.
When you support Girl Scouts earning their Silver Award, you’ll help them see their own power and be by their side as they make a lasting change in their community. Download this guide to get started today.
Award Deadline: Submit your final report to Girl Scouts of the Jersey Shore no later than September 30 of a girl's ninth grade year.
Hour Requirement for the Award: Each girl must log 50 hours to earn the award. This includes research, planning, taking action, and completing the final report.
Mandatory Workshop: Our mandatory workshop is catered to girls, but we highly encourage adults (parents and leaders) who wish to be supportive of their girl to attend as well. During this workshop we will review the requirements for this award, the submission process, and answer questions. Register for an in-person Silver Award Workshop to get started.
Steps: The steps below provide a brief description of the Silver Award process and are covered more in depth in training.
Get Help: We’re happy to help! Contact us with questions or to discuss a Silver Award Project idea before girls get going.